
Research Interests

My main research interests are in applied and interdisciplinary studies in information science, including models and experiments related to information seeking behaviour, information seeking in large distributed electronic environments, data-driven services & applications.

    Ph.D. supervision

    I am very proud of the PhD students I have supervised as their main supervisor or, member of their supervisory team.

      1. co-supervisor for the PhD student Tektonidis Dimitri. Doctorate that is worked out in the University of Sunderland. Title of inquiring program:  An Investigation into Enterprise Application Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems using Ontologies (PhD successfully completed, 2010).
      2. Supervisor of Christos Kouroupetroglou. Semantically enhanced web browsing interfaces. Phd student at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece (PhD successfully completed, 2010).
      3. Supervisor of Georgios Paltoglou. ALGORITHMS AND STRATEGIES FOR SOURCE SELECTION AND RESULTS MERGING (COLLECTION FUSION ALGORITHMS) IN DISTRIBUTEDINFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Phd student at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece (PhD successfully completed, 2009).
      4. Supervisor of Anastasia Giahanou. Phd student at the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Greece (PhD started 2011, terminated in 2013)
      5. co-supervisor of Pavlos Fafalios. Exploiting Linked Data for Entity-centric Exploratory SearchPhD student at the department of Computer science, University of Crete (PhD completed 2016)
      6. Supervisor of Vasileios Stamatis, (Applied Federated Patent Search)Phd student at the Department of Information & Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University (PhD started 2020)
      7. member of the advisory team of Alkis Katsalis. Phd student at the Department of Information & Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University (PhD started 2020)
      8. member of the advisory team Gravanis Georgios.  Phd student at the Department of Information & Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University (PhD started 2020)
      9. member of the advisory team Georgios Peikos (Decision Theoretic models for IR), PhD student at the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy (PhD started 2020)
      10. co-supervisor of Kanaad Pathak (Economic Models of Interactive Search), PhD student at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow  (PhD started 2020)
      11. Supervisor of Eleni Kamateri (Intelligent and Multilevel Patent Classification), Phd student at the Department of Information & Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University (PhD started 2021)
      12. Supervisor of Iphigeneia Karaveli (Graph-based Recommendation Systems), Phd student at the Department of Information & Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic University (PhD started 2021)

      Professional and Research Membership - Review work

      I was a member of various scientific organisations and special interesting groups such as ACM and SIGIR/SIGACCES/SIGWEB, member of the Hellenic Computer Society, former member of the BCS, vice president of HAICTA (Hellenic association of Information and Communication Technology in Agriculture). I was the general chair of various conferences, chair of the scientific committees and I have served as member of the scientific and organising committees of various national and international conferences. I have presented more than 40 papers in international conferences and have reviewed scientific papers for various journals such as Information Processing & Management, IEEE Intelligent Systems, New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Transactions on Information System, World Patent Information.

      Finally, I have served as an expert for the European Commission and other National Research Agencies in European Countries.



          Argentinierstrasse 16: A Novella


          My book on Web Programming


          Short Stories (in Greek)

          Deparment of Information and Electronic Engineering, International Hellenic Univesrity Sindos 57400,Thessaloniki - Greece
          tel: +30 2310013061, email:,, skype id: cs1msa